Sunday, June 30, 2013

City hosts graffiti removal training July 13

City of Kansas City, Mo., neighborhood groups soon will have a unique opportunity to gain skills that will help facilitate community involvement and combat neighborhood graffiti issues. The City has teamed up with Glidden Professional, a power washer company, to host a graffiti removal training session on Saturday, July 13 from 9-10 the parking lot of the City's Neighborhood Preservation Division, 4900 Swope Parkway.

During the training, registered neighborhood groups will learn how to properly use graffiti removal chemicals and power washers to support the City's Neighborhood Graffiti Abatement Program. Staff will provide a live demonstration of this equipment and allow neighborhood groups to practice using it. Informational materials on graffiti and the proper use of graffiti removal chemical and power washers will be distributed.

The City, through its Neighborhood Graffiti Abatement Program, has acquired 10 power washers and graffiti removal chemicals that registered neighborhood groups may rent and use, free of charge, to remove graffiti.

Neighborhood groups do not need to sign up to participate in the training.

The Neighborhood Graffiti Abatement Program is an initiative of the City's Gateway Crimes Task Force.

For more information on the Neighborhood Graffiti Abatement Program, please visit

Sunday, June 9, 2013

June SNA Meeting Tomorrow!

The Southmoreland Neighborhood Association will be meeting tonight, Monday, June 10th at 7:00pm at All Souls' Unitarian Universalist Church.  Hope you can join us!  

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Committee Reports – As needed
    a. Treasurer
    b. Safety
    c. Planning & Development
    d. Program/Events 
    e. Newsletter/Website/Blog/Facebook 
    f. Neighborhood Culture & Preservation
    g. Membership 

4. Old business

5. New Business 

6. Adjournment

Monday, June 3, 2013

All Neighborhood Yard Sale This Weekend

Get ready for the SNA yard sale this weekend, Friday June 7th and Saturday, June 8th!  8:00am to 4:00pm.  Set up shop in your yard, or at the empty lot in 43rd & McGee, for condo and apartment dwellers!  Hope the weather is nice and we all make lots of sales!  
SNA Yardsale Map
Facebook page
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