Monday, January 12, 2015

January Meeting Agenda

Southmoreland Neighborhood Association Meeting
7 p.m. January 12, 2015, All Souls UU Church

1. Call to order, Greg Corwin, president

2. Approval of November minutes (no official December meeting)

3. Introduce guests

4. New business 
·         Nelson-Atkins request to renew special use permit and to obtain an additional permit*
·         Nominations for 2015 officers/board members (for February meeting elections)

6.  Committee reports – as needed, and may include:
  a.  Treasurer – Kat Carroll
  b.  Safety – Gina Tamasi
  c.  Planning and Development – Greg Corwin
  d.  Program/Events – Laura Burkhalter
  e.  Newsletter/Website/Blog/Facebook – Kelly Phelan
  f.   Neighborhood (Culture and Preservation – Scott Hefley
  g.  Membership – Susan Casserly is absent)

7. Adjourn

* The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art will soon file paperwork with the City of Kansas City for special use permits to use two of its properties for office space. The Nelson-Atkins is asking the City to renew for five years a special use permit for the Bishop’s House, 400 E. 45th St., which is now used as office space for the Design Department. The museum is also asking the City for a new, five-year special use permit for the currently vacant Feingold House, 500 E. 45th St., for office space. According to the request, the museum would make virtually no changes to the exterior and very few interior changes. Employees would park in the museum’s underground parking garage. 

The City would like to see letters of support and/or opposition, especially from Southmoreland Neighborhood Association.  Also, All Souls UU Church has been asked by the museum to sign a letter of support – but before signing, has asked (through Marli Murphy) for SNA’s position on the matter, as well as any concerns. Marli will report to the church board after tonight’s meeting.