Thursday, November 11, 2021

City to Redraw Council Districts

The Kansas City Missouri charter requires the City to re-evaluate and redraw its council districts every ten years, following the receipt of results from the US Census. This process must be complete by the end of the year. 

Many people may not be following this process, but it will have an impact here in Southmoreland.  We are currently in the 4th District, and over the last ten years it has grown by nearly 16%, while the City has grown by 10%.  South of the 4th District is the 6th District, which has lost population.  Because the largest and smallest districts can not be more than 10% apart in size, and each district should be roughly equal in population, there will be a shift in the 4th District Boundary.  Proposed plans show the district boundary between 4th District and 6th District to be at 43rd Street, which splits our neighborhood into two districts. There are advantages and disadvantages to this split. 

The Neighborhood Association has testified publicly that our preference is for Southmoreland to remain in one district, and not split between two districts.  If you have a preference - you wish to stay in the 4th, move to the 6th, or have other comments, please reach out to the City Redistricting Commission by submitting your feed back in the form at the bottom of the link below.