Sunday, February 12, 2012

February Meeting Agenda

The Southmoreland Neighborhood Association will be meeting tomorrow, Monday, February 13th at 7:00pm at All Souls' Unitarian Universalist Church. In addition to regular business, we will be voting to approve the slate of board positions, which will be in place for remainder of the year.  Hope you can join us!  

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Guest – Officer Payne, KCPD

4. Committee Reports – As needed
a. Treasurer
b. Safety
c. Planning & Development
-43rd & Main Streetscape Update
-District Planning Process
d. Program/Events 
e. Newsletter/Website/Blog/Facebook 
f. Neighborhood Culture & Preservation
g. Membership 

5. Old business

6. New Business 

7. Adjournment

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