Tuesday, February 9, 2016

SNA Endorses Question 1


In support of Kansas City Question 1, Tuesday, April 5, 2016
WHEREAS Kansas City Question 1 is the renewal of the City of Kansas City, Missouri (the “City”) one percent (1%) earnings tax (the “Earnings Tax”); and
WHEREAS the Earnings Tax generates approximately $228 million annually; and
WHEREAS the approximately forty percent (40%) of the City’s General Fund; and
WHEREAS approximately seventy-four percent (74%) of the City’s General Fund goes toward public safety, including police, ambulance services and fire protection; and
WHEREAS failing to renew the earnings tax will put the City and its residents at risk by forcing cuts to police, fire and ambulance services; and
WHEREAS approximately fifty percent (50%) of the Earnings Tax is paid by both people who don’t live in the City but work here; and
WHEREAS if we fail to renew the Earnings Tax, the burden will fall entirely on Kansas City residents to make up the lost revenue.
WHEREAS by voting YES on April 5, citizens will be voting to safeguard essential City services;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that Southmoreland Neighborhood Association endorses and supports Kansas City Question 1 and urges its members to vote YES on Question 1 on Tuesday, April 5, 2016. 

Visit southmoreland.org for more information on SNA, and to become a member.  

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